Dr. Doug Weiss

Full NameDr. Douglas Weiss
BirthdateApril 18, 1962
Age61 Years
SpouseLisa Weiss
NationalityUnited State
Net Worth 2024$8 Million

Dr. Doug WeissDr. Doug Weiss birthday is June 19, 1978, and his net worth is $35 Million in 2024. Check his age, height, weight, personal life, career life, and more.

Dr. Doug Weiss is a name synonymous with groundbreaking work in the field of mental health, particularly around addiction and recovery. His contributions have not only provided solace to many struggling individuals but also offered practical solutions to those looking to mend their lives.

Dr. Doug Weiss Biography

Dr. Doug Weiss has been an influential figure in the fields of psychology and mental health for decades. With a focus on addiction recovery, marital counseling, and the development of healthy sexuality, he has authored numerous books that aim to help individuals overcome their struggles through practical advice and empathetic understanding.

Full NameDr. Douglas Weiss
BirthdayApril 18, 1962
Age61 Years
Place of BirthFort Worth, Texas
CountryUnited State
Weight70 Kg
Birth SignTaurus Taurus
ProfessionPsychologist, Author, Speaker
SpouseLisa Weiss

Personal Life

Not much is known about Dr. Doug Weiss’s personal life as he keeps it away from the limelight to maintain professional integrity and personal privacy; however, it is known that he is married to Lisa Weiss who supports him in his professional endeavors.

Career Information

Dr. Doug Weiss’s career is marked by his commitment to helping people recover from addiction and improve their relationships. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and serves as the Executive Director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado – a premier facility specializing in intimacy and addiction recovery therapies.
He has appeared on various media platforms like Oprah, Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, among others – sharing his expertise on sexual addiction recovery and strengthening marriages.

Net Worth Table (2021-2024)

While specific figures regarding Dr. Doug Weiss’s net worth are not publicly available due to the nature of his profession emphasizing service over profit, below is an estimated progression based on public engagements, book sales, and speaking arrangements:

YearEstimated Net Worth
2021$5 Million
2022$7 Millon
2024$8 Million

Social Profile

Ethnicity, Religion & Political Views

Dr. Doug Weiss maintains a professional stance where detailed personal beliefs such as ethnicity, religion, or political views are kept private so as not to disturb the neutral environment he aims to create for clients of all backgrounds.

Key Facts & Trivia

  • Has authored over twenty books related to marriage counseling, and sexual addiction recovery.
  • Regularly conducts seminars internationally.
  • A leading figure in promoting “heart talk” communication within families.


One notable quote from Dr. Doug Weiss emphasizes self-recovery: “You’re responsible for your own healing.”


Dr. Doug Weiss remains one of the most respected figures in psychology today due to his innovative approaches to treating addictions and intimate relationship issues alike. His works continue to inspire countless individuals to seek healthier fulfilling lives.

With an estimated increase in anticipated net worth by 2024 reflecting the ongoing success of both authors and speakers, the story embodies resilience and dedication towards facilitating a genuine human connection.


Who exactly is Dr. Doug Weiss?

Dr. Doug Weiss is a renowned psychologist and author, specializing in marriage counseling and recovery from addictions, particularly sexual addiction. He’s the mind behind Heart to Heart Counseling Center.

What areas of expertise does Dr. Doug Weiss focus on?

His primary focuses are on enhancing relationships through intensive therapy, overcoming sexual addictions, and empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives devoid of addictive behaviors.

Has Dr. Doug Weiss published any notable works?

Indeed, he’s an accomplished writer with numerous books under his belt, including “Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity” and “Intimacy Anorexia.” His publications serve as resources for healing and personal growth.

How can someone participate in Dr. Weiss’ programs or therapies?

Interested parties can engage with his work through various channels – attending seminars, undergoing counseling at the Heart to Heart Counseling Center, or accessing online resources and courses available on his website.

What sets Dr. Doug Weiss apart from other psychologists in his field?

Dr. Weiss distinguishes himself with a unique blend of professional acumen and personal experience, delivering insightful solutions that resonate on both theoretical and practical levels, making him a beacon of hope for many struggling individuals.