Andrew Santino

Name:Andrew Santino
Birthday:October 16, 1983
Age:40 (as of 2023)
Place of Birth:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Country:United State
Net Worth 2024: $4 Million

Andrew SantinoAndrew Santino’s birthday is October 16, 1983. Her net worth is $4 Million in 2024. Check Actress Andrew Santino’s age, height, weight, personal life, career life, and more.

Andrew Santino Biography

Andrew Santino, born on October 16, 1983, in Chicago, Illinois, is a multifaceted entertainer best known for his sharp wit and engaging presence both on-screen and on the stage. His parents are Anthony Santino and Elizabeth Margulies. Growing up in the Windy City provided him with the tough skin needed to navigate the relentless world of stand-up comedy. Santino’s vibrant heritage has often been a topic of interest among fans.

Full NameAndrew Santino
BirthdayOctober 16, 1983
Age40 (as of 2023)
Place of BirthChicago, Illinois, USA
CountryUnited State
Weight73 kg
Birth SignLibra
ProfessionComedian, Actor, and Podcaster
FatherAnthony Santino
MotherElizabeth Margulies
SiblingsAli Macofsky
SpouseNot Publicly Disclosed

Social Profile

Personal Life

Santino tends to keep his personal life under wraps, making sure that the focus remains primarily on his professional endeavors. Little is known about his spouse or family as he prefers not to divulge such information publicly. This decision underlines his commitment to separating his private life from his public persona.

Career Information

Andrew Santino’s career took off after he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams in entertainment. He quickly made a name for himself in the comedy circuit and landed roles on several television shows. Santino is perhaps best known for starring in “I’m Dying Up Here,” a series inspired by Los Angeles’ stand-up comedy scene of the 1970s.

In addition to acting and stand-up comedy, Santino hosts popular podcasts — including “Whiskey Ginger,” where he interviews celebrities, friends, and fellow comedians while enjoying a drink or two. His natural ability to blend humor with insightful conversations has endeared him to a broad audience.

Andrew Santino Net Worth (2021-2024)

YearNet Worth
2021$2.8 million
2022$3.5 million
2024$4 million

These figures illustrate Santino’s steady ascent within the entertainment industry, highlighting the increased valuation of his work across various platforms.

Ethnicity, Religion & Political Views

Andrew Santino is of mixed ethnicity, embracing both Irish and Italian roots which have influenced much of his comedic perspective and storytelling. As far as religion and political views go, he keeps those opinions relatively private, allowing audiences to focus more on his artistry than personal beliefs.

Key Facts & Trivia

  • Active Across Various Genres: Besides comedy and acting, Santino demonstrates versatility by engaging in podcasting.
  • Chicago Roots: His upbringing in Chicago significantly shaped his comedic style.
  • Privacy: Despite being a public figure, he has maintained privacy concerning significant parts of his personal life.


One memorable quote by Andrew Santino articulates much about life’s unpredictability: “Life’s gonna throw you curveballs; it’s how you deal with them that shows your true character.”


Andrew Santino exemplifies what it means to be multitalented within today’s entertainment sphere. From captivating audiences with humor that resonates because of its authenticity and relatability to exploring diverse ventures like podcasting every move seems calculated yet genuine. Amidst all this success, maintaining privacy underlines an inherent respect for boundaries even when living under the spotlight further cementing why many find him not only hilarious but profoundly relatable.


What sets Andrew Santino apart in the world of comedy?

Andrew Santino shines with his razor-sharp wit, expert timing, and a unique ability to blend storytelling with humor that’s both smart and unapologetically bold. His stand-up is a masterclass in pushing boundaries while keeping audiences hanging on every cleverly crafted word.

How has Andrew Santino contributed to television and film?

Beyond stand-up stages, Santino has made significant marks in TV and film. From his memorable role in “I’m Dying Up Here” to his insightful comedy on “This Is Us,” he blends dramatic depth with comedic brilliance. Additionally, his podcast, “Whiskey Ginger,” showcases his knack for engaging conversations, proving his versatility across entertainment mediums.

What can fans expect from an Andrew Santino performance?

Attendees of a Santino performance should brace themselves for an evening of relentless humor, where no topic is off-limits, and every joke lands with precision. His performances are known for their energy, intelligence, and an unforgettable connection with the audience that leaves them both thinking deeply and laughing hysterically long after the show ends.